Monthly Tuition:
45 Minute Classes (Ages 3-5): $62/$56* per month (4 class average)
55 Minute Classes: $62/$56* per month
85 Minute Classes: $72/$65* per month
*indicates price paid for additional classes or students per month. Family Rate Example: 2 Students: $62/month for the first student, $56/month for the second.
Drop-in Rate: $20 per class.
Registration Fee: A NON-Refundable $50.00 per student is due for the year when registering.
Tuition payments are due by the first of each month and are based on an average of four classes per month. Tuition is due by the due date in its entirety regardless of holiday time off or class time missed through absence.
You will receive a $5 discount if you pay before the 10th of each month.
Renewal Fee: $30 required to re-register a student who must drop out temporarily.
Prices are subject to change with a 30-day notice.